Thursday, September 27, 2012

4 List Building Secrets For Success | Paul Eveleigh | Internet ...

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 at 10:52 pm ?

Every internet business owner knows just how important list building is to the success of their brand and the advantages it brings in maintaining good relationships with customers and prospects. But most find it a drag on their time and often give up claiming it doesn?t work. Yet there are thousands of people out there marketing to their lists that will tell you it is their most valuable asset.

Attracting people onto a list is most commonly achieved through offering an enticement such as a free gift. It is best if this can be delivered digitally as it offers instant gratification and doesn?t require any ongoing maintenance once it is set up..

Here are 4 list building secrets that you need to know to make building your mailing list successful.

Set-up a Squeeze Page

A squeeze page is just a simple web page who?s sole aim is to capture leads for the business. You can set up a simple squeeze page using HTML or set up a WordPress site and create a dedicated page on there as your squeeze page. Make sure to remove the sidebar so there are no distractions for your visitors. Add a great headline that immediately catches the attention of your visitor. Keep graphics to a minimum, may be just an image of your product to keep load times fast. Add your form code to the page so you can capture the names and emails of those interested in your offer. Include 3 to 5 bullet points that describe the benefits of of your free offer. A dedicated squeeze page works better than just adding a form onto the sidebar of a blog. In fact sending visitors to a dedicated squeeze page is proven to convert around 15 ? 20 times better.

Entice Visitors An Irresistible Offer

Offering a free irresistible gift that holds value for the visitor is a huge enticement that can interest them in giving up their email in exchange for whatever you are offering. This could be a report, a video, coupon code, almost anything really as long as it is valuable in the eyes of your visitors.

Professional Autoresponder Service

This is where your database of subscribers is housed, and where your form code will be provided for your squeeze page. Make sure that you use a professional autoresponder service like Aweber or Constant Contact, avoid free autoresponders at all costs. Free services often add their own advertising to your messages which may not be relevant, they also have limits on the amount of subscribers allowed. Most autoresponder services will not allow you to import lists without verification, so if you change provider at a later date all your list members will need to re-verify. From experience only about 1 in 5 will do so. An autoresponder will allow you to automate much of the process and once set-up will run on auto-pilot and requires very little time to maintain once set-up.

Targeted Traffic

You want targeted traffic to your squeeze page that is truly interested in what you have to offer. Targeting visitors is quite easy, just go to your favorite search engine and type in your niche + forum and you will find communities that are interested in your niche. You can also search for blogs about your subject and visit them, leave relevant valuable content in the comment box. This works by letting you leave a link to your website hyper-linked to your name, if you have left good comments the blog owner and other visitors are surely going to visit your web page. Pretty soon you will have links all over the web using this method that produce targeted traffic to your web page daily.


Download your free compact guide to list building which will provide you with more information about how you can start building your list.

About Paul Eveleigh

Paul trained as a professional photographer having photographs published in magazines and national newspapers. He later went on to to train in the construction industry and now runs his own successful business.

Tagged with: compact guide to list building ? internet marketing ? list building

Filed under: List Building

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Having a big family in a small world: Are we nuts? | BabyCenter Blog

Large families are always fascinating to people who aren?t a part of one. If I had a nickel for every time a person told me I was: brave, crazy, a saint, full of patience and completely nuts, I would be a really rich woman right now, financially stable enough to take care of all six of these children! Oh, the irony.

What I don?t like to get into are foolish debates about family size. I see no point in arguing the carbon footprint, overpopulating the Earth, sucking up the financial resources of the government and the ugliness of a 15-passenger van taking up two spaces in the parking lot. At this point, my six kids are already here and there is no point in arguing the why of it all. I?m busy trying to grow healthy, kind, resourceful humans here. Let?s keep it moving, people.

In our BabyCenter Community, member KatieCat10 decided to pull the cord on the proverbial hand grenade with this question:

No offense to moms of many but?.I think you?re kinda nuts!!! I see families come into my work with 4, 5 even 6 kids. And I can?t help but thinking omg what would possess someone to have that many kids?!

My only reply, after a long, gusty sigh is this: live your own life and don?t worry your pretty little head about mine. What ?possessed? me? Love, lots of love. A mustard seed of faith that maybe we could do this?maybe we could raise our kids to be different. Maybe we could have the family we didn?t have growing up. Here are some of the responses to the original poster?s question:

JFaasse_24: I love babies! I love pregnancy! And I love feeling needed! Those are just my selfish reasons to want lots of kids lol I?m one of 5 and love being from a big family.

arlyle: Just because someone has a big family and needs some help from the government doesn?t make them any less loving to their children. Money isn?t everything. I think big families are beautiful and full of love.

Jehannarc: I don?t really think its right for the environment to have so many. Talk about a carbon footprint!

ZombieKitten: I hate being pregnant so much that I can?t imagine anyone voluntarily going through it again. However I definitely admire those who can have a little kid or two and be pregnant at the same time. I?m pretty sure I would die.

tallen9: I think too many people worry too much about what other other moms are doing. Have the family that works for you and keep your nose out of other peoples family planning decisions.

These last two are just awesome and I included them for their comedic flair:

AshleysSecond: Everyone needs enough children to form their own alliance when the zombie apocalypse takes place. The Duggars are ready (have you seen their pantry) are you??

doitallmamasaid: This is my 43rd baby and it?s none of yalls business if I?m on welfare. Aw snap.

Overall, I think all of these fairly represent how people feel about large families. Whether you are brave enough to have one child or ten?more power to you. Motherhood is a tough job but one filled with many blessings.

How do you feel about large families?

Follow @pearmama on Twitter and Pinterest and read more from Denise at

Image source: My family photo circa 2006, my stepson included.


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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

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Director of Assessment & Operations : Office of Student ...

Director of Assessment & Operations : Office of Student Development - University of California, Berkeley.

Apply online at: selecting job # 14610. To learn more about our department, check our website:

The Office of Student Development (OSD) at UC Berkeley seeks nominations and applications for the newly created position of Director of Assessment & Operations. Working within a vibrant and dynamic student culture, the Director will assume a critical leadership role within The Office of Student Development. The Director of Assessment & Operations is the chief administrative officer for the Office of Student Development, an administrative unit of over 45 professional staff and over 600 student staff serving approximately 6500 undergraduates in the undergraduate residence halls and over a thousand graduate and post-graduate student families in University Village.

Residential and Student Service Programs (RSSP) is a complex "cluster" of departments with an aggregated operating budget of approximately $125 million, a head count of over 2,000 employees in over 143 buildings (2.7 million square feet) that provide a variety of services to faculty, staff, students and the surrounding campus community. These services include an orientation and transition programs for incoming students, an inclusive community that fosters academic success and personal growth for our residents, single student and family housing for 7,500 students and (in some cases) their families, dining options for the campus and community, an early childhood education program, and conference operations during the summer.


Administrative Management

  • ?Manage, plan, and administer all administrative operations of OSD. Makes decisions on administrative or operational matters and ensures achievement of operation's objectives (IT, facilities, student services, contracts and grants, budgetary financial management, recharge administration and/or human resources) that have department-wide impact. Assess and match administrative support to changing operational needs.
  • ?Manage OSD administrative team: hire, supervise, train, evaluate, and ensure staff's continual effectiveness supporting all OSD staff and programs. Ensure staff competency on various systems (e.g. timekeeping, purchasing, etc.).
Research / Data Collection / Reporting
  • ?Manage staff to ensure appropriate data and analysis are conducted and reported at regular intervals, outlining effectiveness for all OSD programs, stating Learning Outcomes and departmental goals.
  • ?Ensure timely, professional presentations and written reports are delivered to campus and departmental stakeholders. Provide guidance, budget management and direction for the RSSP Assessment and Evaluation Committee, and oversee large assessment projects, including those leading to strategy and resource development (e.g. housing demand studies). Manage coordination of assessment efforts with the Office of Planning and Analysis to ensure strategic and timely collaboration on assessments (e.g., Survey of New Students, UCUES).
Judicial, Health, and Safety systems
  • ?Manage staff to ensure timely, efficient and effective judicial process across multiple staff roles and stakeholders. Works with OSD staff to allocate work and efficient functioning of CPS and UCPD liaisons on a day-by-day basis. Ensure that relationships and corresponding MOUs with the Tang Center and with UCPD are strong and productive. Serves as lead contact for CPS and UCPD liaison.
  • ?Manage staff to ensure close coordination with the Dean of Students Office on the regulation, reporting, auditing and supervision of conduct processes. As needed, serve as an Independent Hearing Officer to review student conduct appeals. Represent the department on the Behavior Response Assessment Team (BRAT) to coordinate response to sensitive student issues.
Staffing and Hiring
  • ?Directs and oversees organization of professional staff searches, including job description and classification review, posting, marketing and recruiting at national conferences, on-campus interview days, and final hire recommendations. Provides direction to the contracting of Resident Faculty, including collaborating with key campus partners in the Resident Faculty program.
  • ?Oversees all student employment activities for department (~600 employees annually), including developing outreach, career paths, development and engagement programs that meet RSSP/OSD's operational needs and provides learning and developmental support in conjunction with the University's mission for students. While ~70% of student workers may be deployed across OSD's Residential Facilities & Academic Computing Centers, 30% work for direct reports of this position on key OSD initiatives.
  • ?Manage the budget, including: analyze budget monthly, assist with and make recommendations for annual budgets, interface with RSSP Finance Unit on budget planning and analysis.
  • ?Broad knowledge of campus processes, protocols and procedures with a focus on budget, account and fund management; personnel management of labor contract(s) and personnel policy.
  • ?Broad knowledge of financial analysis and reporting techniques; human resources and risk management planning; accounting and payroll.
  • ?Excellent project management skills.
  • ?Excellent ability to establish metrics and learning outcomes for department and diverse employee (career, student, contract) populations' goals.
  • ?Broad knowledge of common campus-specific and other computer application programs.
  • ?Proven ability to organize department work functions in an efficient and effective manner.
  • ?Skills to work collaboratively with other campus locations.
  • ?Demonstrated management and conflict resolution skills to effectively lead and motivate others.
  • ?Proven skills to quickly evaluate complex issues and identify multiple options for resolution.
  • ?Skills in organization and customer service to effectively manage multiple important priorities.
  • ?Strong verbal and written communication skills; ability to influence/persuade all levels of staff.
  • ?Ability to understand administrative union contracts and how to manage within them.
  • ?Thorough knowledge of assessment practices and how assessment can be used to
improve programs and services.


  • ?Master's degree in student affairs, counseling, or related field.
  • ?10 years' experience in a higher education setting
  • ?Thorough knowledge of residential life, orientation, and academic support operations.
  • ?Thorough knowledge of the undergraduate student experience and its relationship to student employment: how to market, promote and recruit large numbers of student positions and make those positions effective leadership training within the context of undergraduate education.
  • ?Thorough knowledge of residence hall crisis management and safety systems.
This position is subject to a criminal background. We reserve the right to make employment contingent upon successful completion of a Criminal Background Check.

Starting Annual Salary: $100,000 DOE

For information on the comprehensive benefits package offered by the University visit:

For drop-in access to a computer or help with an application contact
For technical assistance call the Help Desk at 510/643-4443.

We offer a diverse working environment. The University of California, Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

We offer a diverse working environment. The University of California, Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


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Looking for Dedicated Role Players (OneXOne or Group)

Kyoko crouched down in the bushes. It was midnight, or just a little bit before and she had been in the same position for twenty minutes, her muscles were beginning to ache but she stayed still as a statue, refusing to budge even an inch. The building she sat in front of was very large and well known in her Nation; it was the historical library and one of the original buildings from centuries before. Although it was still uses, mostly by the nation?s government, the building was falling apart. The walls were crumbling in places and the once pristine marble walkways were cracked. It was a mystery to her why it was still in use, and why for that matter she was crouching in the bushes outside of the building. Her sensei had sent her a message five hours earlier telling her where to be and when and she followed the direction without question. Dressed head to toe in black spandex, black boots and black gloves; she was completely concealed in the darkness. If anyone were to pass by they would simply overlook her and that was the key. She was a ninja, still in training of course, and tonight was her fist mission.

It had been her parent?s idea, to send her to masters across the nation who ranged in a variety of skills. This was her fourth master since she was six years of age and it was her most difficult subject to master. Because ninja are nothing more than assassins, she had a hard time wrapping her head around the concept of killing someone who didn't stand a fighting chance. The skills she learned were of course invaluable to a fighter, but the price of attaining though skills were high. She had yet to take anyone's life, and silently prayed that she wouldn't have to tonight either. There was a rustling in the bushes to her right and hair stood on end, her muscles tense and ready to strike. Jin crawled up beside her whispering the code word so she knew he was an ally and her muscles relaxed only slightly. He was her senior of many years, twenty six years of age and already a master at most concepts of the ninja way. The age difference between them was ten years because Kyo was only sixteen. He looked over at her with his bright blue eyes asking her silently if she was prepared for whatever they were here to do and she nodded her head. Since Jin was here she knew she was purely back up for his mission and that fact helped calm her nerves greatly.

Jin began moving silently through the bushes followed closely by Kyo and together they made their way up the side of the building and into the inner courtyard. The nightly guard roamed in and out through the covered walkways, armed to the hilt with guns and Kyo silently scoffed. She hated guns with a passion preferring one on one combat. Of course people needed bending less and less these days, technology was taking over. There was no need to from a connection with nature. She stepped on a loose tile and it slid out from under her making a clattering sound that echoed through the courtyard. Cursing herself for her distraction she followed closely on Jin's heels as they began running toward a room Kyo had never seen before. Once inside they closed and barricaded the door. Jin turned angrily to her and began his lecture on how a ninja's most valuable skill was stealth. Something was apparently lacking in greatly. Kyo bowed an apology and looked around the room.

"Where are we?" She asked her eyes traveling over dusty scrolls and glass cases.
"That's none of your concern" Jin hissed "go keep watch while I retrieve the artifact." He moved toward the far wall and began riffling through the scrolls.
"Yes sir!" Kyo hissed sarcastically and moved toward the door to listen.

It was only a matter of time before the guards found them thanks to her misstep and she waited for the sound of their footfalls. Sure enough she heard the sound of shouts in the distance and hissed at Jin a warning. He nodded in acknowledgment and then let out a breath of exultation. He had found what he was looking for, placing the scroll in his pack he motioned for Kyo to step in his hands so she could enter the ceiling. Their get-away. There was rattling on the doorknob and shouts, the guards were there. Jin quickly followed Kyo through the ceiling, replacing the tile, and they made their way through the attic space until they came to an opening on the roof. Jumping into a nearby tree they were running through the woods in no time. She thought they were in the clear but soon footsteps could be heard following them. Cursing silently under her breath she increased her pace, only to skid to a stop. There was someone standing in front of them, blocking their way. The footsteps behind them caught up and they were surrounded. Kyo pulled her knife out of its sheath following Jin's lead and they prepared for battle.

The battle was fierce. Three on one were not great odds, but after an hour panting a sweaty it was down to her, Jin, and two others. Jin passed her the sack, silently telling her to take the scroll and get out as quickly as possible and she tried but they struck Jin down and turned on her. The scroll fell out of the bag as she jumped up toward a tree and swinging into the branch she cursed dropping back to the ground to retrieve it. A strike came out of nowhere and cut her across the stomach. The wound was not deep but with her already exhausted body the smell of blood caused her to faint. She fell backwards her world turning dark.

She awoke to a brightly lit room, the sound of a monitor beeping. She was in a hospital. Her parents and sensei stood over her with disapproving looks on their faces. She looked to her right and saw Jin lazing about in a chair. Was that right? Jin had been taken down, he should be dead. Comprehension dawned on her and she felt her face grow hot, as an angry bubble rose in her stomach. It had been a test, and she had failed. Sensei cleared his throat and looked down at her.

"Kyoko Asano, daughter of the Fire Lord, I hereby revoke your training privileges. You do not have what it takes to continue to study in my presence. Fire lord, lady, I apologize." Sensei bowed deeply to her parents and walked out of the room. It wasn't that she had done anything bad; it?s just that she had consistently been failing missions. And one who cannot master a mission cannot dream of mastering the ninja way.
"Kyo, we are very disappointed in you. This is the fourth master who has turned you away." Her father glared down at her, his jet black hair and eyes seeing into hers.
"It's not that your untalented, we know you can fight and that you are good at it, but we want you to master at least one thing!" Her mother exclaimed kindly but this tension flooding her voice.
"Look, its not my fault. Two of those masters were fire benders and you know I cannot fire bend to save my life. So you really can't count them! And I did master my weaponry class and hand to hand combat courses. I'm meant to be a warrior, not an assassin, not a spy, a warrior. Can you please stop sending me to different schools now?" She sat up quickly as she spoke all this and winced in pain. Pulling back the covers to look at her stomach which now felt hot she saw blood stained bandages. "Great! Another scar!" she said falling back onto the pillows and letting out another groan of pain.

This was her third one in three years, all from different "training" missions. Yup, she was done. From now on she would train herself to hone the skills she had. She would become her own master and she would be damned if her parents tried to force her to take another class.


That was two years ago and in between that time and now she had become her own master, honing her skills and technique like she swore to herself she would do. She was moving to The Great Nation, a teacher in hand to hand combat for the Avatar should he choose to accept it when she arrived. It was, as her parents said a great honor to support the Avatar in any way and she knew it was true. Kyo only hoped that she would indeed be able to help in some way.


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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cruise Ship Jobs | Travel and Leisure Blog

The will to work on a cruise trip ship is a dream for many individuals. The idea of getting well paid to go to various exotic as well as interesting places is merely amazing.

Not everybody will ever get this kind of chance to enjoy work onboard a five star luxury ship. For many who succeed in securing there prime jobs, it is a fantasy become a reality.

The pay on these kind of ships is great and also the tips and gifts from passengers can be very wonderful. Attempting to work on a cruiseship is really a smart decision for anyone. It?s so many benefits and it is a tax ? free job with really rewarding and appealing benefits.

However lots of people looking for these jobs on cruise lines never succeed in getting them. The easy reason is that they are going about things the wrong manner.

Search blogs as well as online reviews about other peoples experiences on luxury cruise line jobs and then try to discover just exactly what they did to have their job. Make an effort to figure out what was so unique about the subject that they were selected to take on this type of rewarding job. Through others experiences you will discover precisely what cruise lines are searching for in an employee. Actually, this is the great way for any job in almost any career.

Cruise ship jobs could be a rewarding experience in case the shoe fits. Identify your talents as well as act on your own goals and nothing can keep you from achieving any career path you might decide to take. Ultimately it?s your decision to make things happen in your life but through preparing you can substantially reduce the possibility of any failure you could possibly encounter.

This entry was posted in Cruise Ship Reviews and tagged Cruise Ship. Bookmark the permalink.


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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tribute Tracker

The 105th Hunger Games.

Though the rules now require four tributes per district due to the riot in district 11 all must offer up four tributes per year two boys and two girls however a couple from the same district can win or not.


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?The 105th Hunger Games.?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

District 12: Anthony Mellark and Niani Seriom two open spaces 1 each
District 11: Alyssa Monroe three spaces open 2 m 1 f
District 10: four open spaces
District 9: four open spaces
District 8: four open spaces
District 7: four open spaces
District 6: four open spaces
District 5: four open spaces
District 4: four open spaces
District 3: four open spaces
District 2: four open spaces
District 1: four open spaces

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When Thinking of a New Barn, Think Like a Horse | Life and Horses

Three sided stall

We are all prone to think as humans and to judge what is best from our perspective. Yet when you are looking for a new barn, or rebuilding your own barn, don?t think what you would like, think like a horse and what their needs are.

Beautiful, but is it ideal for a pensioned pony?

Although barn architects design barns to be pleasing to the human eye and have many human comforts, it are our horses that are housed there. So put aesthetics second and the horse?s needs and comfort first. But what are their needs? I think many of us make an effort to think horse, yet always look through human eyes. In one of my earliest post on Pet Peeves, I wrote of a Prada woman, taking her old pony out the fields to be housed in a very flashy fancy barn because she felt her pony deserved such comfort. She tried to think horse (or pony in this instance) but viewed the situation through human eyes and standards.

Islandic horse barn

Well what do horses need? Natural horses, unclipped and in possession of their natural coat, need protection from the elements, wind and rain. So for them a three sided shelter well be perfect. Competition horses, clipped and with short competition coats, do need barns in order to stay healthy. They no longer have their natural protection.

If you have limited space, barns and individual or small group housing will prevent horses from fighting and bickering. Anton F?rst, PhD, DVM, Dipl. ECVS, head of the University of Z?rich?s equine hospital, in Switzerland, says that unless you have the time, space, and experience to closely monitor and manage horses in a herd, they might be better off housed in individual stalls.

If you?re among the majority of horse owners who do need a barn, like I am, then consider the following suggestions to make your new (or newly renovated) structure one that is safe and designed to promote your horses? good health and well-being. In my case I need to look for one that provides the best housing for my horses. I do not own a stable myself.

The Indoor/Outdoor Plan

Box with connecting paddock

The ideal barn would be composed of individual stalls leading to individual paddocks that horses can enter and exit at will. This allows horses to breathe fresh air, move around as they need to, and enjoy the outdoors. Paddock time also reduces the risk of horses developing certain ?diseases of domestication,? says Mazan, such as colic, laminitis, and metabolic syndrome (the latter two due to lack of exercise if stabled most of the time, as exercise helps the body regulate insulin). ?You?re just not going to see these as much if your horses aren?t kept in a stall all day long,? she adds. Horses constantly cooped up indoors are also more prone to stress-related ulcers and injury, F?rst adds. Eager to get out and see what?s going on around them, many horses can get hurt while moving around within a stall?s confined space. You see these types of barns in Germany a lot, but they are not that popular in the Netherlands yet.

Letting it Breathe

Perhaps the most important thing to remember when building your barn is making sure it can ?breathe.? Without proper ventilation, the barn might feel warmer to you, but it?s hard on the lungs?both yours and your horse?s. Moisture builds up inside a closed-up barn, which can mean mold breeding even in the cleanest of spaces, says Mazan. Polluting gases such as ammonia and carbon dioxide also build up in the air and cause respiratory problems. ?Certainly being closed up is just a bad, bad idea,? she says. ?You (and your horses) need ventilation, just like you do in a house.?

Windows to the outside are a must, both for your horse?s happiness and lung health, as are eave openings. Barns should also have a cupola on top that allows air to move both into and out of the stable, she adds. A building with good ventilation, however, does not allow drafts of cold air.

Controlling Dust

?The biggest problem in barns is dust,? says Mazan. As horses inhale dust, they can develop respiratory inflammation. And then you end up with poor performance or chronic inflammatory airway disease. Store the hay in a separate building, or soak it in water. Feed the hay from the ground instead of hay bags. And use a low dust bedding. And it is best to separate the indoor arena from the stalls, as indoor arenas produce a lot of dust.


Barn flooring choice is an important safety consideration, F?rst says. Concrete covered with drainable rubber matting is ideal because it provides a non-slip surface (which is especially important for horses with shoes), its cushion is gentle on equine joints, and it is easy to clean. However, mats can trap underlying moisture, so solid mats better protect your horses from oral-fecal diseases such as Salmonella infection, Mazan adds.

Bare earth isn?t as slippery as concrete without mats, but it?s much harder to keep clean and can still be very hard on joints, F?rst says. In either case, plan for good drainage in both stalls and aisles, and don?t use flat concrete flooring (some can be scored or textured for traction) without a mat in any part of the barn where a horse walks?including the stall.

Other items you need to think of when (re-)building your barn, or looking for a barn to stable your horse, are:

Temperature control
Quarantine and Infirmary (in some cases)
Fixtures and Separations

So think like a horse and view your barn as if you are a horse when you choose the housing for your equine companion or athlete.

Source: The Horse
Article: Healthful Horse Barns


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Obama squeaks out Aug. fundraising win over Romney

President Barack Obama greets people during a campaign stop at Florida Institute of Technology's Charles and Ruth Clemente Center in Melbourne, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/The Daytona Beach News-Journal, David Massey)

President Barack Obama greets people during a campaign stop at Florida Institute of Technology's Charles and Ruth Clemente Center in Melbourne, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/The Daytona Beach News-Journal, David Massey)

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and wife Ann arrive at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Bedford, Mass., Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Musician James Taylor and wife Kim perform at OFA-MI Royal Oak Grassroots Headquarters in Royal Oak, Mich., Sunday, Sept, 9, 2012. Taylor also sang at last week's Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. Obama supporters are enlisting new volunteers heading into the final weeks of the 2012 presidential campaign. (AP Photo/The Detroit News, David Coates)

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney arrives at his campaign headquarters in Boston, to prepare for the presidential debates, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama squeaked out a fundraising victory over Mitt Romney in August as the candidates gear up for the final stretch of their closely contested campaign.

Obama raised more than $114 million in August, while Romney brought in just over $111 million, according to numbers released early Monday by the rival campaigns. It's the first time in four months the Democrats have outraised the Republicans. And it's a sharp increase for the president, who raised $75 million in July.

Despite Obama's advantage in August, it's the third straight month Romney has collected more than $100 million, and the figure represents his best one-month fundraising total. And Romney has socked away more money for the general election campaign.

The Republican hopeful showed signs of taking a new, more centrist tack toward health care and defense spending as he starts the next leg of his campaign with a Monday rally in Mansfield, Ohio, a pivotal region in a battleground state. Obama, who spent the weekend campaigning in Florida, is scheduled to be at the White House.

After weeks of pushing conservative GOP themes leading up to the party convention in Tampa, Fla., Romney's less partisan tone comes as the race shifts toward the Nov. 6 election, which is expected to be decided in fewer than 10 states where neither Romney nor Obama has a significant advantage.

Romney said in an interview that aired Sunday that he would keep in place elements of the federal health-care law signed by Obama in 2010. On NBC's "Meet the Press," Romney said: "I'm not getting rid of all of health care reform. Of course, there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I'm going to put in place."

Campaign aides said Romney's endorsement of parts of Obama's Affordable Care Act was consistent with his previous position that those who haven't had a gap in coverage shouldn't be denied coverage.

The comments brought renewed attention to the similarities between the bill Obama signed and the one Romney championed when he was governor of Massachusetts.

Romney aides dismissed the idea that the candidate's comments about the defense cuts or health care were an effort to appear less partisan with the race for undecided voters now under way.

"Repealing Obamacare is a focus because it costs too much and the taxes and regulations are hurting small business. That's common sense," spokesman Kevin Madden said. "Affordability and portability of health care insurance aren't partisan issues."

Romney also faulted congressional Republicans for going along with the White House on a budget deal that has set up automatic spending cuts that include huge reductions in defense spending ? a deal his running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, helped steer.

Obama on Sunday focused Floridians' attention on the GOP ticket's stand on Medicare, an issue that's been more favorable to Democrats.

At a rally in Melbourne, Fla., Obama told about 3,000 voters that Romney wants insurers to profit at the expense of working Americans.

"No American should have to spend their golden years at the mercy of insurance companies," he said.

Romney and running mate Paul Ryan support allowing seniors in the future to choose between standard Medicare and a fixed payment to be used to buy private insurance.

After Ohio, Romney is heading to Nevada and Florida later this week. The Romney campaign is airing television advertisements for the first time in Wisconsin this week, hoping to force Obama to play defense in a state Democrats have carried in every election since 1988.

With an eye toward undecided voters dismayed by the lackluster economic recovery, Romney and Ryan faulted Obama for failing to provide the tax relief they say holds the key to the creation of millions of jobs. Romney has pledged to lower tax rates for by 20 percent for all Americans ? including the wealthy.

Romney has said he'll pay for those cuts by eliminating loopholes and deductions for higher-income earners. But both Republicans were unyielding in saying that the specifics would come only after the election.

"Mitt Romney and I, based on our experience, think the best way to do this is to show the framework, show the outlines of these plans, and then to work with Congress to do this," Ryan said on ABC's "This Week."

Obama shot back hours later, saying the Republicans' proposals to cut taxes and cut the deficit don't make mathematical sense.

"They need to stay after school. They need to get some extra study hall in there. No recess for you," Obama said.

Early Monday, the Obama campaign released a new web video accusing Romney and Ryan of being evasive in their televised appearances Sunday as to which loopholes and deductions they might close. The pair "refused to name even one tax loophole or deduction" that Romney would close to pay for "his $5 trillion in new tax cuts favoring the wealthiest Americans" for fear of political repercussions, the campaign said.

Obama's campaign said more than 1.1 million people donated to his re-election effort in August, bringing its total number of donors to more than 3 million. The average donation was $58 and 98 percent of those who donated gave $250 or less.

"The key to fighting back against the special interests writing limitless checks to support Mitt Romney is growing our donor base, and we did that substantially in the month of August," said Jim Messina, Obama's campaign spokesman. Obama reversed a three-month trend at the time he needs it most, having spent heavily over the summer on advertising in an attempt to keep Romney at bay.

Romney's campaign did not release its total number of donors in August, but said about 94 percent of its donations came from people who gave $250 or less.

"Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are offering bold solutions to our country's problems. That is why we are seeing such tremendous support from donors across the country," Romney's national finance chairman Spencer Zwick and Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said in a joint statement.


Associated Press writers Julie Pace in Washington, Jim Kuhnhenn in Melbourne, Fla., and Matthew Daly in Milford, Ohio, contributed to this report.


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Associated Press


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Monday, September 10, 2012

guestHub Helps Identify Brand Campaign Influencers

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Officer arriving to Sikh temple shooting: 'Time to use deadly force'

Oak Creek, Wis., police Chief John Edwards and Officer Sam Lenda narrate police video at a news conference that shows the final moments of the shooting that killed six worshippers at a Sikh temple.

By Kari Huus, NBC News

Police in Oak Creek, Wis.,?on Monday released chilling dash-cam video taken during the effort to apprehend shooter Wade Michael Page at a local Sikh Temple on Aug. 5, after a rampage that left six worshippers dead.

The video?and?radio messages show?that the police response was "textbook" quality, said Oak Creek police Chief John Edwards at a briefing where the videos were shown. The officers "took care of the situation very quickly, and ended it," Edwards said.

Page also died, apparently of a self-inflicted gunshot after being hit by a police bullet.

The first video is taken from the squad car of Lt. Brian Murphy, who arrives two to three?minutes after the first 911 call, and comes across victims in the parking lot outside the temple. By radio, he calls in the victims and says he does not see a shooter. As he heads to his car for protective gear, the shooter emerges from the temple and begins firing at him, prompting Murphy to dive behind some parked cars.

On the video, the shooter,?identified as Page, begins moving one direction, and then reverses and circles around Murphy from behind.

"He moves with deliberateness" as he closes in on Murphy,?Edwards said.?"There?s no question in my mind that he intended to kill him."

The arrival of officer Sam Lenda minutes later, which is documented in a second dash-cam video, appears to distract the shooter, who begins walking toward Lenda?s squad car. Lenda said he saw the gunman reload or check his ammunition and then begin walking toward him.

Lenda takes?cover behind his?opened car door and begins shouting at Page to drop the gun. Page then begins?shooting at Lenda, hitting the headrest on the car's driver's side.

He was marching in an aggressive manner," while continuing to fire,?Lenda said at the briefing. After running through what he described as a "checklist" that was drilled in through years of training, Lenda returned fire.

"It was time to use deadly force," he said,?"which is what I proceeded to do at that time."

Ballistics showed that Lenda?s bullet hit Page, bringing him down, said Edwards. But ballistics also suggested that the deadly shot was self-inflicted ? a shot to the head that matched the 9 mm ammunition used by Page.

It was only after Page?was neutralized that Lenda and other officers could attend to?Murphy, who, it turned out had been shot more than a dozen times, according to Edwards.

Murphy was recently discharged from the hospital and is at home continuing his recovery.

"There?s no question in my mind that Lt. Murphy prevented the gunman from taking more lives," said Lenda.

Lenda agreed that his?own arrival likely saved Murphy?s life, but added, "I?m just an officer who did my job."

Some aspects of the shooting, including Page's?motive, remain under investigation.

Page?was a former member of the U.S. army with close ties to neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups, according to reports that emerged shortly after the shooting. One theory?is that the rampage was a hate crime aimed at Sikhs, a religion practices mainly by natives of India, or intended for Muslims, who are often confused with Sikhs.

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pacific Rim leaders seek to fortify food security

A police officer patrols the central business district of Vladivostok, Russia, Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012. Leaders from the APEC countries are attending their annual summit in the eastern Russian city till Sept. 9. (AP Photo/Alexander Khitrov)

A police officer patrols the central business district of Vladivostok, Russia, Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012. Leaders from the APEC countries are attending their annual summit in the eastern Russian city till Sept. 9. (AP Photo/Alexander Khitrov)

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, right, and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, shake hands during a bilateral meeting during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Vladivostok Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012. (AP Photo/Jim Watson, Pool)

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, chats with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key during their meeting at the APEC summit in Vladivostok, Russia, Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel, Pool)

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, talks with Chilean President Sebastian Pinera during a bilateral meeting at the APEC summit in Vladivostok, Russia, Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012. (AP Photo/Anatoly Maltsev, Pool)

(AP) ? Asia-Pacific leaders focused their attention on rising concern over food security on Sunday, as they prepared to wrap up their annual summit with an agreement to slash tariffs on trade in environmental goods and a call to keep markets open even in hard times.

Food security "is one of the most acute problems of our time," Russian President Vladimir Putin said in convening Sunday's second and final "informal retreat" of the Asia-Pacific Economic Forum in this far eastern Russian seaport.

"Without ensuring food security, we cannot achieve our goal of enhancing the quality of life for our people," he said before the closed door session got under way.

The explicit focus on food security by the leaders of the 21-member APEC reflects abiding concern over the potential for food prices to surge to politically volatile levels.

Current prices are high, though they remained flat in August and are below the levels that triggered rioting and unrest in parts of the developing world in 2007-2008. Another food crisis, in 2010-2011, also caused hardships for poorer consumers, especially in countries heavily dependent on food imports.

Russia's decision to ban grain exports two years ago due to shortfalls caused by drought and fires was seen as contributing to a surge in global food prices, though Putin has said there will be no export curbs this year.

Revitalizing growth through more open trade is an urgent priority for the APEC forum, whose aim is to dismantle barriers and bottlenecks that interfere with business, while nurturing closer economic ties.

In acting as host for Russia's first APEC summit, Putin has underscored his government's commitment to opening markets further, especially as a new member of the rules-setting World Trade Organization.

Asia remains the brightest spot in the global economy but is facing challenges, and trade is the solution, Putin told fellow leaders as they began their annual "informal retreat."

"The recovery of the global economy is faltering. We can only overcome negative trends by enhancing the volume of trade ... enhancing the flow of capital. It is important to follow the fundamental principles of open markets and free trade," Putin said.

"The priority goal is to fight protectionism in all its forms," Putin said. "It is important to build bridges not walls."

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is representing the U.S. at the summit in President Barack Obama's absence, welcomed Russia's membership in the WTO, saying that America's exports to Russia could double or even triple as the country implements its commitments to open its markets further, while Russia itself could raise its GDP by about 11 percent in the long run, according to World Bank estimates.

Russia's hosting of the APEC summit highlights a renewed focus on developing its neglected but resource-rich Far East, where it plans to develop modern railroads, seaports and airports to help build a bridge between Asia and Europe.

"The main task of our forum is to facilitate freer trade. This task is being fulfilled," Igor Shuvalov, Russian first deputy prime minister responsible for economic issues, told The Associated Press.

At APEC, Russia has discussed with its trading partners projects in forestry and initiatives to open its natural resources sector wider to foreign investment, he said.

Earlier, Putin promised regional business leaders that they can count on Russia, which has long focused mainly on supplying oil and gas to Europe, to be a reliable energy supplier.

On Saturday, Gazprom signed an agreement with a Japanese consortium to move ahead on a 10 million ton liquefied natural gas plant in Vladivostok that could double the Russian gas supplier's capacity and significantly raise its exports to the energy-hungry Asia-Pacific region.

"The production and the construction of a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas furthers the goal of international energy security. It is very important for the development of Russia's far east," Shuvalov said.

APEC can play a role, business leaders attending the conference said, in forging regional networks, especially in energy and transport, though lingering territorial disputes and other legacies of the Cold War era are keeping the region from its full potential: North Korea, in particular, remains relatively isolated from the rest of Asia, its own infrastructure in shambles.

Given APEC's lack of negotiating power, its annual summit is not known for major policy breakthroughs, though its activities affect trade and business accounting for about half of world economic activity. But leaders were expected to end their meetings Sunday by endorsing a plan to cut tariffs on environmental-related goods ? such as waste-water treatment technologies ? to 5 percent by 2015.


Associated Press writer Lynn Berry contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Wedding Photography Business can be Challenging

Wedding photography is not very easy affair and one good photographer cannot always get good success in event photography. Starting this type of business can be highly challenging. One must study the things needed for this type of photography. They must have proper plan to move ahead with confidence. Without good and creative plan, it is impossible to set feet in the competitive business of wedding photography. One must be particular about his target and goals set for the business to strive to attain it with good spirits.

Setting up a sound foundation is very important for wedding photographers. They must stick to their objectives and principles all the time and do multiple assignments. Each and every project will show his improvement and this will continue to make him an established photographer.

One must take up small projects in the beginning and do the work with small charges. He must try to act with plans to cover the entire occasion thoroughly. He can also involve in rehearsal weddings for practice. He must be able to discuss with his trainer about his ultimate mission and show him his latest work. Finding fault in every project will make him grow as wonderful photographer. He must be able to accept critical comments and try to improve his performance every now and then. He must plan out the situation well and write down the sequence of events to be captured in a wedding. Receiving good training courses in photography will make him grow as a wonderful photographer. He must strive hard to prove his potential.

Finding identity in this competitive world is very difficult. Try to scrutinize the points of advantages and weaknesses in the photography. Growing the positive points and working on the demerits will make him an expert in wedding photography. Being assistants with expert wedding photographers will also make them learn few tricks and know the detailed information about such projects. Winning minds of couples arranging a gala wedding is not that easy. They are not ready to compromise with bad photography. Such occasions cannot be repeated in one?s life and even a few mistakes on the part of the photographer cannot be excused. They are ready to pay any amount of cash for wonderful production of wedding album. One must be able to connect to special sentiments of one?s life to become a renowned photographer in weddings.

The digital age of cameras have made things easy than before. In old times the wedding photographers could not understand the quality of each capture as reels and films were inserted in the camera. They had the opportunity to see the photos after these were printed. Things have changed now and they can take multiple captures of the same moment to come out with the perfect image. The digital camera enables them to have a glance at the capture they have just completed. They can correct their mistakes then and there. The technology is growing at rapid rate to help all people in every profession.

About the Author

Radiant Bride is a Wedding photographers who is creative about photography, and frequently writes about Wedding Video , Creative wedding photography and Wedding photography.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Generating New Business Through Email Marketing Campaigns ...

The internet has proved to be very helpful in our day-to-day lives. With it, one can find virtually anything from promoting, email campaign, newsletters, ecommerce amongst others. This article will seek to look at the advantages associated with this bulk e-mail promoting marketing campaigns euniquely for businesses.

One of the advantages derived from working online is that with these email promotions one can reach a wide clientele at relatively very minimal cost. Thousands of e mails can be sent out at the same time and feedback likewise attained concurrently devoid of having to wait on hold like it is the case with telephones.

For those that would like to prosper in online business euniquely in affiliate advertising and marketing this marketing and advertising process has proved very beneficial. It is very easy to adopt and become an expert in within a very quick time. When well used any affiliate marketer will be assured of making profits and producing revenue online.

look for engines like Google have simplified the search for information. Any information even that pertaining to bulk e mail advertising and marketing marketing campaigns can be acquired online. To make marketing emails more advantageous is by giving it catchy and interesting subject. A dull subject will result in the electronic mail being deleted or labeled as spam mail. However, if it has a catchy title it will entice its audience to read it. Unique content, relevant to what would appeal to many clients.

If the client has subscribed to updates on cars, mailing them an email on real est would be far apart from their interest. There are online security companies that check the content of emails sent from one account and classify it as spam mail. If the number of e mails sent out is exceeded, then there is a possibility of the account blockage. Therefore, outsourcing these companies to an e-mail-advertising and marketing agency. They are able to stay in tune with the tendencies in internet security companies and e mail suppliers.

An email campaign works like a personalized letter. It will reach a wide clientele base and still have the personalized touch for each of them. It also helps to avoid duplication. Many folks do not like to receive the same e mail twice into email address. There are available software's that observe all sent emails detecting bounced mails and Keeping this information in a database. Making it possible for more e-mails have to be sent out to the clients that did not receive the first e mails. They also help detect who not to email to and those that opened the sent e mails.

as a substitute of mailing out blind emails to just anybody that has an electronic mail account it is advisable to have an opt-in list. This ensures that you send out e mails only to those that are serious. These come in offers like news letters, campaigns and even distinctive gives. If no longer involved clients can opt out of the mailing list. This ensures that e mails are not deleted before they are read just because they were sent to clients that were not involved in what was being marketed. This saves time and energy invested mailing the bulk electronic mails.


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